A Monster’s Genealogical Chart: The Monster Club

Dirty Tricks Squad

If you’ve ever see the movie The Monster Club you’re no doubt aware what a monster’s genealogical chart is, and how it fits into the movie. But if you haven’t, here’s a monster’s genealogical chart.

A monster's genealogical chart from the movie The Monster Club A monster’s genealogical chart from the movie The Monster Club

If you watch the movie, one of my all time favorites, Vincent Price will gladly explain to you the various monster species and how interbreeding of monsters, and sometimes humans, creates a vast array of new monsters with different looks and powers. My favorite is the Shadmock. He only whistles.

This chart was created by artist John Bolton, and I have been trying to buy the original now for five years. I came very close at one point when I contacted Bolton’s wife and assistant, and she told me she had discovered it in the basement months before and sold it to a collector. I…

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About Zombie Logic

I am an Outsider Poet and the Publisher of Zombie Logic Press.
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1 Response to A Monster’s Genealogical Chart: The Monster Club

  1. I heard,years ago,that the art for this chart was stolen from the the set of the film….I am glad it still exists!

    What about the other Bolton art for the Ghoul sequence in the film?

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